31. Juli 2022

Wrap Up July 2022

 In July 2022 I made the decision to train for marathons again. 10 years ago I ran 17 marathon in about 3 years, and afterward had other goals.

After 18 days I got a brief insight into where I stand. In simple words: I have to treat training like beginning from scratch. 

What is the first step?

Cleaning up nutrition habits. Back in the days when I ran marathons my nutrition plan consisted of:

- Porridge

- Vegetable Soup

- Salads 

- Green Tea and

- Water

The first goal in August 2022:

Buying only ingredients for the above list. Since I don‘t like throwing food away, it also means cleaning out the house of all food that isn‘t on the list. Cooking and eating garbage basically. :-)

For the running it is getting back to 10-15 k runs with a run/walk regimen. Getting in the distance first, and working on details later.

Happy August. Enjoy Summer.

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